=========================== Character Birth Options =========================== Certain options must be set during or before character creation. If they are changed for an existing character, there is no effect except to change the default for that character's descendants. Other option sets are described in their own documentation file. === Option Set 5 -- Birth Options === Point Based (Default - OFF): Point based character creation allows you to skip 'rolling for stats' altogether. Instead you have a limited number of points with which you can 'buy' points in various stats. Higher stats cost much more than lower ones. Leftover points are converted into extra starting money. Auto Roller (Default - ON): If you do not use point based character creation, this option will allow you to specify minimum stats. Characters are generated until one is found to meet your requirements. Stats are linked in the rolling process, so that each high stat makes the next one less likely to be very high. It may be impossible to generate a character with multiple high stats specified. Maximize (Default - ON): Deciding to play a game in maximize mode turns all racial and class bonuses and penalties to stats into permanent modifiers. Thus, a Half-Troll Warrior in Maximize mode would have a maximum possible Strength of 18/190 before equipment bonuses, but only 18/40 maximum innate Intelligence. In Oangband, maximize mode is strongly recom- mended for all race and class combinations for the sake of realism. Preserve (Default - OFF): Selecting Preserve mode makes it possible for artifacts to reappear if generated but not discovered, but eliminates all the handy "special" feelings (see the help file "dungeon.txt"). In Oangband, non-preserve mode can actually be useful. Random Hitpoints (Default - OFF): The option specifies that your character will receive a random number of hitpoints with each level. Otherwise, you will receive an average number of hitpoints with each level. In the case of a fraction, the actual number of hitpoints alternates with each level. Expected average hitpoints are the same by either method. Both methods are further guaranteed to give very similar totals for high level characters. Neither randomizes hitpoints at first level. The hitpoint bonuses/penalties for high CON are never randomized.